I came back from my hometown last Friday and was immediately relieved to be back home. At last!! It's not like I didn't like being in my grandma's house (or near her house, in this case. Long story!!!), it's just that nothing beats the feeling of being home, if you know what I mean. Plus, the fact that we spend the days when we were there sleeping on the floor is another matter altogether. LOL... Well, all that is behind us now. I'm still looking forward to go back again in December though.. :)
Anyway, back to the business in hand, first of all, the grab bag reveal. Here are the template packs that I had packed into the grab bag. If you missed it, you can now pick up the individual sets at regular price: $2.99. *click on images to go to the product(s) in store*
I'm also having a call right now. I already love the CT team that I have right now but was looking into expanding it a little bit. So if you're interested, do apply and I'm looking forward to hear from you! And it doesn't matter if you're a newbie, just apply!!

And just because I'm feeling generous today, here's a template freebie for you guys. The last time I gave a template freebie was last August, sheesh! But here's one for you guys now.. :)
Download HereArgh!! Look at the time. Time flew too fast. It's already nearly 11 and I still have a lot of things to do in my to-do list. *sighs* Oh well, have a fun day or restful night ahead guys. I'm off to slumberland.. :)